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My Own Take on America


Of course – I’m speaking just for myself right now...

For those of you who know me as a realtor, publisher, or friend... this is just me-Larry talking...



We’re in a spiritual crisis.


Those of us who are broken-hearted... I believe our challenge is not to give up, not to give in to despair, and in my case, not to give in to the desire for some kind of Dismissive Revenge – a turning my back on those who were duped, and on those issues I care about.


Personally, I know I feel betrayed somehow... I’ll admit that in my naïve optimism, I never, ever thought it possible that Trump could win.    So my grief – in part -- is in having the scales fall from my eyes. 

I know that anger can make one feel powerful, and this election result has left me feeling so powerless. I know my challenge is to feel the grief -- yes -- and move past that, without spending too much time in anger.   


The country, too, is in a spiritual crisis.   The Values Voters seemed to have voted overwhelmingly for a man who shares few save one of their stated values.  This disconnect may or may not ever become conscious... for it takes courage to look inward.  But in any case --my opinion – is that America itself is suffering from a deep sickness - a spiritual crisis.


I can feel in what I’ve said already – directly above – that I’m already failing at my next suggestion --- That we hold up as a model -- the class that President Obama is showing this week.  He is leading the way for us, still.  If you haven’t watched his recent speeches lately – it behooves you to do so.   There is true inspiration there.  And he expresses no blame. 


Beyond that – I advocate taking in some art.  I saw Jitney last night, at Penumbra.   It’s a fine and intimate production -- and it's a play that centers around two ways of looking at something, and one grave error in response to rage.  


Maybe next week I’ll go dancing somewhere.


I want to send out special kudos to our own elected officials – Scott Dibble, Frank Hornstein, Betsy Hodges, Keith Ellison – and even louder shout outs to the VOLUNTEERS who work so hard on our behalf, especially my friends Scott Graham and Roann Cramer, our Senate District 61 Directors, and to Jeanne Massey, who continues her tireless work for Ranked Choice Voting. 


The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.


May it be so.


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