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If you follow this site, you know how proud we are of our local

Southwest High School – especially the Performing Arts. 

I’ve always said (this is Larry speaking), I’ve always said we have

perhaps The Single Best High School Theater Program in the

country.     Yes, not just the state, the country.  

Thirty years ago, John Fenn and the Great Chris Fisher began encouraging students to produce and direct their own plays - and since then The Southwest Black-Box “Unhinged” Theater has mounted more student-run productions than any other high school – anywhere -- in the U.S.   

So if you’ve never seen a Southwest Theater Main Stage or Black-Box Production – You’re missing something  Real and something  Cool  and sometimes something

Real Cool – Stay tuned to this site, and you’ll hear about your next opportunities.

And now that you’ve read this far --- Indulge the proud papa in me, and check out the website of my favorite Southwest Theater Grad – Yes – my son Jesse LaVercombe,

who just got this nod in the New York Times:

Monday afternoon I was back at Under St. Marks for “Love Me Forever, Billy H.

Tender” (through Aug. 25), Jesse LaVercombe’s charming, bittersweet, oddball

comedy about a pop star in crisis, his adoring little brother and their theater-theorist mother — all played by Mr. LaVercombe.

And here’s another phrase that I can’t help but post, this from Time Out, New York:


He resembles a young Meryl Streep... It’s enough to make you wonder where

LaVercombe might be in five years.

So yes my friends – I’m not only writing this blog because school’s back in session – I’m writing because I can hardly contain my pride.   YAY! SOUTHWEST.  It’s why I will support the Southwest High School’s Performing Art’s Program until I can no longer lift the pen to write the check.   Jesse got an extraordinary education there.  Thanks to all. 

NEXT WEEK – A REAL ESTATE UPDATE  -- I know that’s why most of you subscribe!  :-)

Larry LaVercombe

Lakes Area Realty


Publisher -  Linden 

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